From Banyuwangi: Mt Bromo Sunrise, Tumpaksewu & Kapas Biru Waterfall (3D/2N)

Started from Banyuwangi to explore magnificent sunrise at Mt. Bromo and do the trekking to Tumpaksewu and Kapas Biru Waterfall.

Tour Highlights

  • A private tour to visit Mt. Bromo, Tumpaksewu and Kapas Biru Waterfall
  • Tours started from Banyuwangi
  • Drop off option back to Banyuwangi/Surabaya/Malang


Day 1 - Pick you up from your hotel in Banyuwangi at 08.00 to directly drive to Blawan area for about 1.5 hours. Stopover at Kalipahit River which is a secretion from Kawah ijen that flows and becomes a small river with a very high sulfur content.

Blawan Acid Waterfall and Hotspring
Continue to drive to Blawan hotspring, Blawan Hot Springs is the perfect destination for visitors who want relaxation to get their bodies back in shape. Warm water is believed to have health benefits for visitors. Sulfur contained water also good for your body skin. Tasting a cup of arabica coffee will be perfect combination, visit nearby Acid waterfall for about 5 minutes walk from the hotspring. Drive to Cemara Lawang area (6 hours) to check in the hotel, go to Seruni View Point to see sunset (available if we arrive Cemara Lawang before 17.00). After sunset, we get back to your hotel to have a rest for 1 night. Day 2- We will be starting at 2:00 am from your stay in Mount Bromo area then we will ride a jeep for 45 minutes to Penanjakan View Point where we can see the best sunrise in this area. You will be having about an hour to wait until you see the sunrise, you can have a hot coffee or tea at the shops nearby. There are new shops that just built for visitors to hide from the low temperature. If you are into photography, we recommend to set your best place to capture the best moment here before other visitors will take your place where you are standing to wait for the sunrise.

Mount Bromo Sunrise
About 5:30 am, the sun will rise from east side and you can see how picturesque landscape in this place. Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, Mount Semeru, and Cemoro Lawang village to be in one frame. We will be having time till 7 am before we go back to our jeep and drive down to the trekking spot to the top of Mount Bromo. The trekking to the top of Mount Bromo, you will need about 45 minutes on foot and 15 minutes by horse. Before you reach the top of Mount Bromo, you have to climb the 250 stairs that will lead you to the top of Mount Bromo itself. It’s quite hard but worth it to try. Upon your arrival in Mount Bromo, you will see the hole of this volcano and it spews the smoke every day without any stop. We are not allowed to stay here too long because there is dangerous gas that can be coming out from this volcano. Back to the hotel to have breakfast, shower, and a little bit rest. Continue to drive to Lumajang for about 6 hours, arrive at the hotel to stay 1 night. Day 3 - After breakfast, we trek to Tumpaksewu Waterfall feel like want to stay here for a long time but we need to go to the next spot called Goa Tetes (Tetes Cave) which located nearby the waterfall. This cave is also amazing with the water dropping fall down the cave wall.

Kapasbiru Waterfall
Check out from the hotel in Tumpaksewu, we drive to Kapas Biru Waterfall and do trekking about 30 minutes to reach the waterfall. Finish with Kapas Biru,we drive you back to Banyuwangi/Surabaya/Malang

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